We will ship to the address provided, so please ensure all details are correct before placing your order.
If we are unable to ship your entire order within 5 business days, we will contact you by email or phone.
Orders may be sent in multiple shipments, and may be shipped from either our Victoria or Queensland warehouses.
We ship using various carriers, based on the size of the parcel and your address. If you have a preference for a particular carrier (for example Australia Post), please let us know in the Special Instructions field at checkout.
Once shipped, orders for Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide metro areas may arrive overnight, however we are unable to guarantee delivery time. Deliveries to other capital cities and major regional centres will usually arrive within a week, while more remote areas can take longer.
Please contact us if you are concerned about your order and we will do our best to help, however deliveries are often out of our control once they leave our warehouse.